Messy Church
Sunday, June 06, 2004
more on England later, but first . . .

Let's try something new for blogdom:

This is a challenge for those of you who blog, as well as for those of you who only comment. Sometimes I feel like people will line up around the block for a chance to criticize the Church and redundantly point out her shortcomings, but it would be nice to see some communal advocacy for Christ's Bride. Even before Paul would would deliver some of his most severe criticism towards particular bodies of believers, he would articulate what he was thankful to God for in the particular body of believers he was corresponding with.

I would like to see all readers of this blog who find some affinity for Jesus to write a list of 5 or 10 ways you have encountered Christ through His church. Post them on your blog or leave a comment here.
(perhaps you can direct people to your blog in these comments.)

You don'y have to be super deap or poignant to do this, just real. Don't worry about ranking.


"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." --Jesus quoted in John 13:34-35
Jeff Cannell's Blog, as well as the temporary web-stop for Central Vineyard , the church we are planting in central Columbus. jcannell(at)mac(dot)com all anonymous comments will be deleted. Unless I'm too lazy. (thanks jmc)

